* *
* zombie plague 3.6魔尊汉化版使用说明 *
* *
1.本插件需要AMXMODX1.8.0(build 3660)或更高版本,否则无法使用。
在zombie_plague35.amxx 前+个“;”号(英文半角)。
在zombie_plague36.amxx 前+个“;”号(英文半角)。
7.若发现插件的汉化问题,请与我联系,E-mail:[email protected];若是发现插件Bug或是想给
插件提点建议,请联系作者:[email protected](用英文发送)。
* 恨 风 蝶 凤 神 鸟 阔 冯 *
* 形 卷 恋 求 仙 兽 叶 风 *
* 无 东 花 凰 下 沉 忽 风 神 *
* 力 南 奢 愿 蒲 塘 开 落 游 *
* 伴 痴 比 连 厌 博 送 栖 魔 憾 *
* 神 汉 翼 枝 无 再 柳 林 尊 *
* 随 去 飞 守 为 世 眉 海 *
********************************************** * * * Zombie Plague Mod 3.6 简介 * * * ********************************************** (c) MeRcyLeZZ享有著作权(2008) 汉化:DemonKing ---------------------- -*- 许可信息 -*- ---------------------- 这个文件不允许以任何理由改变。(所以我在后面保留英文原文) 您可以免费使用,反汇编和按您的喜好修改这个插件,但要遵循以下几点: * 您不能改变/移除/替换这注册插件的名称 * 您不能改变/移除/替换任何鸣谢信息 * 您不能改变/移除/替换这份许可 ------------------- -*- 描述 -*- -------------------
Zombie Plague是一个Counter-Strike的服务器修改,作为一个AMX Mod X 插件发展起来,这个插件将游戏改变为一场人类对丧尸的斗争。它基于原始 感染mod,但它引入下面几点从而跨上了一个新的台阶。 * 新游戏模式:复仇者模式,幸存者模式,多人感染模式,丧尸群模式 * 丧尸种族:总共6个,每个种族都有自己的优势 * 弹药包:作为对高手的奖励,可以用来买物品(额外物品) * 自定义手雷:烈火弹,寒霜弹,照明弹,和感染炸弹 * 死亡竞赛模式:玩家可以重生为丧尸,人类或随机 * 管理员命令:可以通过一个容易上手的游戏内菜单被执行 * 特殊GFX效果:通过HL引擎实现 * 可自定义模型和声音 该插件通过CVARS带来许多可自定义的东西: * 改变夜视镜/照明弹的颜色和尺寸 * 条件游戏亮度(雷声在全黑模式下可用) * 设置丧尸/人类的生命,速度,重力,弹药包奖励等 * 能够拥有无限子弹和用武器击退敌人 * 能够随机分配(CSDM友好分配) * 可以单独按您的喜好定义新游戏模式 --------------- -*- 历史 -*- --------------- 仅有很少人知道,我(作者,下同)在2007年12月开始这项工程。此时,我周围的 自由感染mod有很多Bug。当我最初决定重做其中之一时,我偶然发现许多问题并意 识到我对AMXX脚本的经验不足,因此,我认识到完成它最佳的途径是从头开始。
在许多插件(主要是Zombie Swarm)和初学指南上花了不到一星期的时间,我设法 搞到了所有的很有用基本素材(即便原代码很凌乱)。接下来的一个月我都在改善 这些并试着实现我的原始想法。
在这段时期我有幸在一个32人服务器上成功测试了这个插件。这意味着在丧尸插件 的发展上的一个巨大的进步,我们进行了多次测试修正了许多服务器崩溃错误,但 最后证明了它不仅仅是一个我最初打算做的简单的感染mod。 这项工程迄今为止已经走过了很长的一段路,我和高兴说出我最终让它具有自定义 性。作为回报,我要求的全部就是在这个插件中保留我的名字。
-享受插件的乐趣吧! ------------- -*- 媒体 -*- ------------- * 游戏视频1:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFUyF7-_uzw * 游戏视频2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XByif6Mti-w -------------------- -*- 需求 -*- -------------------- * Mods: Counter-Strike 1.6 or Condition-Zero * AMXX: 1.8.0 版本(build 3660)或更高 * 模块: FakeMeta, HamSandwich -------------------- -*- 安装 -*- -------------------- 只要把压缩文件内所有内容解压到你服务器mod目录下("cstrike"或"czero")。 确保文件夹结构完整。 ------------------------------- -*- CVARS与自定义 -*- ------------------------------- 在一个完整与详细的CVAR列表中,zombieplague.cfg位于amxmodx\configs目录 另外,你可以通过查看.sma文件开头的"Plugin Customization"部分改变人物模型, 声音,天气效果,和一些其他的素材。当参数改变完时可别忘了重新编译喔! ---------------------- -*- 管理命令 -*- ---------------------- 以下的控制台命令可用:
* zp_zombie <名字> - 把某人变成丧尸 * zp_human <名字> - 把某人变回人类 * zp_nemesis <名字> - 把某人变为复仇者 (*) * zp_survivor <名字> - 把某人变为幸存者 (*) * zp_respawn <名字> - 重生某人 * zp_swarm - 开启丧尸群模式(*) * zp_multi - 开启多人感染模式(*) (*) - 这些命令只能在回合开始时使用,即T病毒通告显示在屏幕上时。 ------------------- -*- 游戏内菜单 -*- ------------------- 玩家可以在聊天框内输入"menu"进入这个mod,或按M键(换团队的键)。这菜 单可供玩家选择他们的丧尸种族,买额外物品,解除阻塞,或查看帮助。管理 员将会找到一个额外的选项来快捷发布控制台命令。 ---------------------- -*- 感染模式 -*- ---------------------- 每一回合开始时玩家为人类,自己配备一些武器和手榴弹,并找到最近的掩体, 知道他们中一个人被T病毒感染,然后突然变为一个凶恶的大脑腐蚀生物。 仅仅在短短一段时间后,为生存而战的战斗打响了。第一个丧尸必须感染尽可 能多的人类从而产生成群的丧尸队伍从而主宰世界。 地图默认设置为全黑,人类必需用手电筒照亮路和照出敌人。另一方面,丧尸 有夜视镜但只能用爪攻击。 -------------------------- -*- 新游戏模式 -*- -------------------------- * 复仇者模式: 第一个丧尸可能会变成复仇者,一只强健敏捷的野兽。它的目标是杀死每 个人类,它将面临着的是持续的炮火。 * 幸存者模式: 除了幸存者每个人都变成丧尸,幸存者得到一把无弹药限制的重机枪(B51) ,他必须阻止不死生物的无限增长。 * 多人感染模式: 回合开始时很多人类被感染,因此剩下的玩家必须更快行动起来去控制局 面。 * 丧尸群模式: 半数的玩家变为丧尸,余下的人类的免疫感染。这将是一场殊死较量。 ---------------------- -*- 丧尸种族 -*- ---------------------- 默认有六种丧尸种族: * 经典丧尸:平衡性好,适合初学者。 * 凶猛丧尸:移动速度快,但最脆弱。 * 剧毒丧尸:质量轻的丧尸,跳得高。 * 血厚丧尸:移动慢但强壮的丧尸,耐打。 * 吸血丧尸:感染人类时获得最多生命。 * 狂暴丧尸:发射放射性绿光emits a radioactive green glow. ------------------- -*- 额外物品 -*- ------------------- 除了开始时菜单上武器,玩家还可以够买以下物品: * 夜视镜:使您能够在黑暗中看清,持续一回合。 * T病毒解毒剂:让您变回人类形态。 * 丧尸发狂剂:在您身上短时间内形成一个强有力的防护罩。 * 感染炸弹:在爆炸范围内感染任何人。 ---------------- -*- 内含 -*- ---------------- 从3.6版本开始,一些本土化的和前进化的东西被添加,尽管减缓了附属插件的发 展,但你可能也会发现它们对于解决现有插件的兼容性问题很有帮助。 在你的amxmodx\scripting\include文件夹下可以找到zombieplague.inc,它是一 个完整列表 。 -------------------- -*- 联系信息 -*- -------------------- Zombie Plague官方帖子: http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=72505 联系个人你可以发送Email给我: [email protected] --------------- -*- 鸣谢 -*- --------------- * AMXX研发团队:感谢他们让这个插件成为可能的所有辛勤劳动。 * Imperio LNJ团体:感谢他们提供第一台服务器供我真正意义上的测试这款插 件和感谢这个团队每一个人的支持。 * Mini_Midget:感谢他的Zombie Swarm插件供我早期参考、发展。 * Avalanche: 感谢他提供的随机重生代码(从GunGame中得到)和最初的寒冰 手雷想法,引导了这个插件。 * cheap_suit:感谢他提供了一些模型上的改变和武器击退代码(从Biohazard 中得到)。 * Simon Logic:感谢他提供了击晕功能。 * KRoT@L: 感谢他提供了一些代码(从Follow the Wounded中得到),从而实 现流血功能。 * VEN:感谢他提供了Fakemeta效果和一些有用的材料。 * RaaPuar and Goltark:感谢他们提供了自定义手榴弹模型。 * ML翻译:DKs (BP), JahMan (PL) * 每一个热爱杀丧尸的玩家。 ------------------ -*- 更新日志 -*- ------------------ * 1.0版本:(2007年12月) - 第一版发布:完成大部分基本素材。 - 加入:随机重生,显示HP,光线设置,简单的购买菜单,自定义夜视镜, 管理菜单,复仇者和幸存者模式,及它们的发光和跳跃设置。 * 2.2版本:(2008年1月) - 加入:丧尸种族,弹药包系统,为武器买子弹,自定义手电筒,管理员皮 肤设定,zombieplague.cfg 文件。 - 升级:改进武器菜单,可自定义手电筒和夜视镜的颜色,用 HamSandwich 模块来处理伤害。 - 修正许多Bug。 * 3.0版本:(2008年5月) - 加入:移除门的设定,解除阻塞功能,可供调节的人类变量及丧尸护甲变 量,武器击退,丧尸流血,闪光,额外物品(武器,解毒剂,感染炸弹) 击晕设置,多人感染和丧尸群模式。 - 升级:转储引擎,Fun模块和Cstrike模块,优化代码,新模型改变方法, 丧尸感染的新gfx效果。 - 修正一连串游戏Bug。 * 3.5版本:(2008年5月) - 加入:带重生保护的死亡竞赛,无限弹药设置,烈火和寒霜弹,增加自定 义变量,新的额外物品,帮助菜单。 - 升级:更好的目标迁移方法,扔掉的武器保持它们的bp弹药,优化大量代 码。 - 修正:当最后一个丧尸/人类离开时不再有下一局开始时的Bug,不再有手 榴弹感染Bug,减少svc_bad错误,还有很多……
* v3.6: (2008年6月) - 加入:一些本土化和前进化的对于附属插件的支持,不同的丧尸种族可以 用自己的模型,附加武器击退的自定义,机器人支持,多样的CVARS。 - 升级:额外物品现在支持手榴弹和手枪,改变移除炸弹方法,在幸存者/ 群回合玩家可以加入,扩展在其他黑暗设置下对光线的支持。 - 修正:一连串次要Bug,加入CZ机器人时服务器崩溃。
附:英文原版说明 /*================================================================================ *********************************************** ********** [Zombie Plague Mod 3.6] ************ *********************************************** (c) Copyright 2008 by MeRcyLeZZ ---------------------- -*- Licensing Info -*- ---------------------- This file is provided "as-is" and comes with no warranties of any kind. You are free to use, redistribute and/or modify this plugin to your liking with the following restrictions: * You cannot alter/remove/replace the register_plugin() call * You cannot alter/remove/replace any credits info * You cannot alter/remove/replace this license ------------------- -*- Description -*- ------------------- Zombie Plague is a Counter-Strike server modification, developed as an AMX Mod X plugin, which turns the game into a Humans vs Zombies struggle. It is based on the original infection mod, but it takes the concept to a new level by introducing: * New Gameplay Modes: Nemesis, Survivor, Multiple Infection, Swarm Mode * Zombie Classes: a total of six, each with his own strengths * Ammo Packs: awarded to skilled players, can be used to purchase goods * Custom Grenades: Fire, Frost, Flare, and Infection Bomb * Deathmatch Mode: players may respawn as zombies, humans, or randomly * Admin commands: can be performed through an easy ingame menu * Special GFX Effects: from the HL Engine * Customizable Models and Sounds It brings many customization through CVARS as well: * Change nightvision/flashlight colors and size * Adjust in-game light level (lightnings available for the dark settings) * Set zombies/humans health, speed, gravity, ammo pack rewards, and more * Enable unlimited ammo or knockback for weapons * Enable random spawning (CSDM-spawns friendly) * Separately enable and customize the new gameplay modes to your liking --------------- -*- History -*- --------------- This project started back on December 2007, when the free infection mods around were quite buggy. I wanted to make one on my own, but with little to no experience at AMXX scripting, I had to start from the very scratch. Not after spending over a week looking at many plugins (mainly Zombie Swarm) and scarce tutorials, I somehow managed to have all the basic stuff working quite well (even though the code was really messy). The following months were spent polishing things up and trying to fulfill new original ideas, most of them quite worth the hard work. In the meantime, I had the chance to try the plugin out on a 32 man server. This meant a huge progress on development, and after lots of testing and bug fixing, the mod turned out to be more than the simple infection plugin I had originally planned it to be. The project has come a long way since, and I'm glad to say I'm finally making it freely available. All I'm asking in return is to keep my name in the plugin. -Enjoy! ------------- -*- Media -*- ------------- * Gameplay Video 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFUyF7-_uzw * Gameplay Video 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XByif6Mti-w -------------------- -*- Requirements -*- -------------------- * Mods: Counter-Strike 1.6 or Condition-Zero * AMXX: Version 1.8.0 or higher * Modules: FakeMeta, HamSandwich -------------------- -*- Installation -*- -------------------- Just extract all the contents from the .zip file to your server's mod directory ("cstrike" or "czero"). Make sure to keep folder structure. ------------------------------- -*- CVARS and Customization -*- ------------------------------- For a complete and in-depth cvar list, look at the zombieplague.cfg file located in the amxmodx\configs directory. Additionally, you can change player models, sounds, weather effects, and some other stuff by looking at the beginning of the .sma for the "Plugin Customization" section. Once you're done making your changes, remember to recompile! ---------------------- -*- Admin Commands -*- ---------------------- The following console commands are available: * zp_zombie <name> - Turn someone into a Zombie * zp_human <name> - Turn someone back to Human * zp_nemesis <name> - Turn someone into a Nemesis (*) * zp_survivor <name> - Turn someone into a Survivor (*) * zp_respawn <name> - Respawn someone * zp_swarm - Start Swarm Mode (*) * zp_multi - Start Multi Infection (*) (*) - These commands can only be used at round start, that is, when the T-Virus notice is shown on screen. -------------------- -*- In-Game Menu -*- -------------------- Players can access the mod menu by typing "zpmenu" on chat, or by pressing the M ("chooseteam") key. The menu allows players to choose their zombie class, buy extra items, get unstuck, or see the ingame help. Admins will find an additional option to easily perform all console commands. ---------------------- -*- Infection Mode -*- ---------------------- On every round players start out as humans, equip themselves with a few weapons and grenades, and head to the closest cover they find, knowing that one of them is infected with the T-Virus, and will suddenly turn into a vicious brain eating creature. Only little time after, the battle for survival begins. The first zombie has to infect as many humans as possible to cluster a numerous zombie horde and take over the world. Maps are set in the dark by default. Humans must use flashlights to light their way and spot any enemies. Zombies, on the other hand, have night vision but can only attack melee. -------------------------- -*- New Gameplay Modes -*- -------------------------- * Nemesis: The first zombie may turn into a Nemesis, a powerful fast-moving beast. His goal is to kill every human while sustaining the gunfire. * Survivor: Everyone became a zombie except him. The survivor gets a machinegun with unlimited ammo and has to stop the never-ending army of undead. * Multiple Infection: The round starts with many humans infected, so the remaining players will have to act quickly in order to control the situation. * Swarm Mode: Half of the players turn into zombies, the rest become immune and cannot be infected. It's a battle to death. ---------------------- -*- Zombie Classes -*- ---------------------- There are six zombie classes by default: * Classic Zombie: well balanced zombie for beginners. * Raptor Zombie: fast moving zombie, but also the weakest. * Poison Zombie: light weighed zombie, jumps higher. * Big Zombie: slow but strong zombie, with lots of hit points. * Leech Zombie: regains the most health when infecting. * Rage Zombie: emits a radioactive green glow. ------------------- -*- Extra Items -*- ------------------- Besides weapons, players can buy the following items: * Night Vision: makes you able to see in the dark, lasts a single round. * T-Virus Antidote: makes you turn back to your human form. * Zombie Madness: you develop a powerful shield for a short time. * Infection Bomb: infects anyone within its explosion radius. ---------------- -*- Includes -*- ---------------- From version 3.6, some natives and forwards have been added to ease the development of sub-plugins, though you may also find them useful to work out compatibility issues with existing plugins. Look for the zombieplague.inc file in your amxmodx\scripting\include folder for the full list. -------------------- -*- Contact Info -*- -------------------- For the official Zombie Plague thread visit: http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=72505 For personal contact you can send me an email at: [email protected] --------------- -*- Credits -*- --------------- * AMXX Dev Team: for all the hard work which made this possible * Imperio LNJ Community: for providing the first server where I could really test the plugin and for everyone's support * Mini_Midget: for his Zombie Swarm plugin which I used for reference on earliest stages of development * Avalanche: for the random spawning code I got from GunGame and the original Frostnades concept that I ported in here * cheap_suit: for some modelchange and knockback codes that I got from Biohazard * Simon Logic: for the Pain Shock Free feature * KRoT@L: for some code from Follow the Wounded, used to make the zombie bleeding feature * VEN: for Fakemeta Utilities and some useful stocks * RaaPuar and Goltark: for the custom grenade models * ML Translations: DKs/nunoabc (BP), JahMan/KWo (PL), DA (DE), hleV (LT), darkbad945 (BG) * Everyone who enjoys killing zombies! ------------------ -*- Change Log -*- ------------------ * v1.0: (Dec 2007) - First Release: most of the basic stuff done. - Added: random spawning, HP display on hud, lighting setting, simple buy menu, custom nightvision, admin commands, Nemesis and Survivor modes, glow and leap settings for them. * v2.2: (Jan 2008) - Added: zombie classes, ammo packs system, buying ammo for weapons, custom flashlight, admin skins setting, zombieplague.cfg file - Upgraded: weapons menu improved, flashlight and nightvision colors now customizable, HamSandwich module used to handle damage. - Fixed various bugs. * v3.0: (Mar 2008) - Added: door removal setting, unstuck feature, human cvars, armor cvar for zombies, weapon knockback, zombie bleeding, flares, extra items (weapons, antidote, infection bomb), pain shock free setting, Multiple Infection and Swarm modes. - Upgraded: dumped Engine, Fun and Cstrike modules, code optimized, new model change method, new gfx effects for zombie infections. - Fixed a bunch of gameplay bugs. * v3.5: (May 2008) - Added: deathmatch setting with spawn protection, unlimited ammo setting, fire and frost grenades, additional customization cvars, new extra items, help menu. - Upgraded: better objectives removal method, dropped weapons now keep their bpammo, code optimized a lot. - Fixed: no more game commencing bug when last zombie/human leaves, no more hegrenade infection bug, reduced svc_bad errors, and many more. * v3.6: (Jun 2008) - Added: a few natives and forwards for sub-plugins support, zombie classes can now have their own models, additional knockback customization, bot support, various CVARS. - Upgraded: extra items now supporting grenades and pistols, changed bomb removal method, players can join on survivor/swarm rounds, extended lightnings support to other dark settings. - Fixed: a bunch of minor bugs, and a server crash with CZ bots.