使用 @group (列子)
- 所有玩家: @A or @ALL
- 反恐精英: @C, @CT or @COUNTER
- 恐怖分子: @T, @TE, @TERROR or @TERRORIST
SERVER_MSG_1 = 你可以添加自己的信息.\n在server_messages.txt文件里.\n (./cstrike/addons/amxmodx/data/lang/server_messages.txt)
SERVER_MSG_2 = 你可以添加更多的信息.\n请使用连续编号.
SERVER_MSG_3 = Hello 各位的玩家.
SERVER_RULE_1 = 作弊将导致永久封禁IP.
SERVER_RULE_2 = 不允许发广告信息和按麦克风乱讲话.\n捣乱别人游戏
SERVER_RULE_3 = 禁止故意伤害队友和杀害队友.\n这样的行为管理有权封禁.\n时间长短由管理员决 定.
SERVER_INFO_1 = 从这里下载服务器的声音文件^nhttp://www.XXX.XXX.XXX
SERVER_INFO_2 = 访问我们论坛^nhttp://www.XXX.XXX.XXX
SERVER_INFO_3 = 阅读服务器规则.
MSG_NO_ACCESS = [AMXX] 你还没有进入改命令.
MSG_NO_CLIENT = [AMXX] 没有发现一个玩家.
MSG_ERROR_NUMBER = [ERROR] 第二个信息必须是一个数字,执行 "amx_server_help" 显示使用方法.
MSG_ERROR_FILE = [ERROR] 找不到文件. (%s)
MSG_ERROR_TEXT = [ERROR] 没找到信息. 执行 "amx_server_help" 显示使用方法.
MSG_PRINT_LOG = %s 这是管理员使用的命令''%s %s %s''.
MSG_SEND_LOG = %s 管理员 %s 的信息. ^n信息: "%s" ^n模式:"%i" ^n类型: "%i".
amx_server_msg <authid, nick, @group or #userid> <msg number>
- server_messages.txt
amx_server_rule <authid, nick, @group or #userid> <rule number>
- shows a specific rules from the server_messages.txt
amx_server_info <authid, nick, @group or #userid> <info number>
- shows a specific informations from the server_messages.txt
amx_custom_msg <authid, nick, @group or #userid> <msg> <optional: mode> <optional: style (only if mode set to 4)>
- shows a custom messages to a client or group
- shows a list of all server messages that are saved in the server_messages.txt
- shows a list of all server rules that are saved in the server_messages.txt
- shows a list of all server informations that are saved in the server_messages.txt
server_msg_mode "3"
- print location for messages (0 - console, 1 - chat, 2 - center, 3 - hud, 4 - tutor)
server_rule_mode "4"
- print location for rules (0 - console, 1 - chat, 2 - center, 3 - hud, 4 - tutor)
server_info_mode "4"
- print location for informations (0 - console, 1 - chat, 2 - center, 3 - hud, 4 - tutor)
server_msg_style "0"
- style of the tutor by messages (0 - default information, 1 - friend died, 2 - enemy died, 3 - scenario, [4 - buy, 5 - career, 6 - hint, 7 - ingame hint, 8 - endgame])
server_rule_style "3"
- style of the tutor by messages
server_info_style "0"
- style of the tutor by messages
server_msg_ondeath "1"
- shows automatically a message on dead players
server_rule_ondeath "1"
- shows automatically a rule on dead players
server_info_ondeath "1"
- shows automatically a information on dead players
server_msg_time "8"
- how long should be displayed a message (seconds)
server_msg_delay "15"
- time between two called messages
英文的我懶得翻譯了 我把中文翻譯放出來,其他的自己去翻譯