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发表于 2012-12-11 11:41:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
PRINT_SRV_ERROR = [Hack Hunter] Error while opening settings file.
SUCC_LOADED = [Hack Hunter] Successfully loaded all settings.
SETTINGS_STR = [Hack Hunter] Setting: %s have string %s
SET_V_2 = [Hack Hunter] Setting: "%s" is "%s"
HUD_ADVERT = Hack Hunter v%s the ultimate Anti-Cheat.^nAuthors: "%s"
WRONG_CH = "[Hack Hunter]You have a restricted symbol in name! Change it."
KICK_WR_CH = [Hack Hunter] "%s" was kicked by Hack Hunter for having a restricted symbol in name.
WRONG_IP = "[Hack Hunter] You'r IP is restricted."
DEC_CON = [Hack Hunter] "%s" is detected having cheats!
CFG_SC = [Hack Hunter] "%s's" config(.CFG) has been scaned successfully.
LD_VECTORS = [Hack Hunter] Couldn't load flash bug vectors for "%s"
SV_PRINT_VEC = [Hack Hunter] Error in flash bug file for "%s"
SUC_VEC_LOAD = [Hack Hunter] Successfully loaded %d flash bug vectors for "%s"
SUCC_RMV_FLB = [Hack Hunter] Removed a flashbang from (%d %d %d).
ILG_MAP_EXPLOIT = [Hack Hunter] Ilegal map bug exploit warning!
SHAKE_WARN = [Hack Hunter] Shake warning!
LOW_RECOIL = [Hack Hunter] Low-recoil warning!
SPEED_HACK = [Hack Hunter] Speedhack warning!
SPIN_HACK = [Hack Hunter] Spinhack warning!
LF_R_L_KEYS = [Hack Hunter] Left and Right keys are disabled!
DUAL_ATTACK = [Hack Hunter] Dual attack is not allowed!
AIM_BOT = [Hack Hunter] Aimbot warning!
HACK_DETECT = [Hack Hunter] You have been detected with cheats! "%s"
ID_WITH_HACK = [Hack Hunter] "%s" was detected with cheats! "%s"
KICK_HAVE_CHEAT = [Hack Hunter] "%s" was kicked by Hack Hunter for having cheats! "%s"
BAN_MIN_CHEAT = [Hack Hunter] "%s" was banned for %d min by Hack Hunter for having cheats! "%s"
BANNING_PLAYER_IP = kick #%d ^"[Hack Hunter] Banned: %d Minutes. Reason: %s Detected!^";addip %d ^"%s^";writeip
BANNING_PLAYER_ID = kick #%d ^"[Hack Hunter] Banned: %d Minutes. Reason: %s Detected!^";banid %d ^"%s^";writeid
LOG_F_1 = "%s" ("%s") can have cheats. "%s"
LOG_F_2 = "%s" ("%s") <"%s"> was kicked by Hack Hunter for having cheats on <"%s"> "%s"
LOG_F_3 = "%s" ("%s") <"%s"> was banned by Hack Hunter for having cheats on <"%s"> "%s"

HackHunter_v1[1][1].2(Utimate Anti-Cheat).rar

151.35 KB, 下载次数: 6

售价: 2 金钱  [记录]

发表于 2012-12-13 04:05:42 | 显示全部楼层
谁都不容易啊 ~~  
发表于 2012-12-13 18:25:17 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-12-16 12:58:39 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-12-18 09:29:31 | 显示全部楼层
我回不回呢 考虑再三 还是不回了吧 ^_^  
发表于 2014-11-11 07:10:21 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-11-26 07:34:15 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-12-15 18:55:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-1-11 08:33:47 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-2-15 22:27:19 | 显示全部楼层
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