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[源码]最新死亡重生插件csdm 2.1d beta 版

发表于 2012-11-18 09:04:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1、增加了限制武器地图,例如,如果你想有些地图只允许2个awp,可是设置awp 2
2、如果你在选择武器之前被杀,那么选择菜单不再出现下列菜单。,“之前选择的菜单” “不再选择武器”
3、在 csdm.cfg 增加了一些选项 - 关闭雷达
用于CS1.6、AMX Mod X 1.75或更高 版。
5、在 amxx.cfg 或 server.cfg 文件中添加:
csdm_active 1

Here is the full list of changes I did:
+Fixed bug concerning to map specyfic weapons configuartion/restriction (more info about that You can read here
+The displaying in the menu of the CSDM state is changed - now it says clearly CSDM Enabled/ CSDM Disabled instead Enable/Disable)
+Added the command "sv_restartround 2" after changing the state of CSDM
+(2.1c) Added csdm_settings_menu() native and special menu for CSDM settings (there are such items as FFA enabled/disabled, Spawn Protection Enbaled/Disabled, Radar Scrambled/Disabled, Item Mode Enabled/Disabled etc).
+(2.1d) 增加了一些csdm.cfg设置菜单
+Added a check if there is any menu displayed - then wait (max 30s) to prevent owerwrite it (after that max time it's overwritten anyway).
+Added a check if item mode is enabled - if so - the gun menus aren't displayed
+(2.1c)增加了限制武器地图,例如,如果你想有些地图只允许2个awp,可是设置awp 2
+(2.1c)如果你在选择武器之前被杀,那么选择菜单不再出现下列菜单。,“之前选择的菜单” “不再选择武器”
+(2.1d) 又增加了写设置
+在 csdm.cfg 增加了一些选项 - 关闭雷达
+Added possibility to enable/disable the ticketing system from that menu
+Added possibility to increase /decrase the number of tickets per team from the menu.
+Added the possibility to choose from the menu the method of displaying tickets remaining (HUD or chat).
+(2.1c) Added ticketing for players against the standard ticketing for teams. To enable ticketing for players go to the csdm.cfg and find the line in [ticketing] section:
ticketing_player = 0
and change the default value (0 - team ticketing) to 1 (player ticketing)
+Added support for team specyfic spawn points
+(2.1c) Merged spawn editor with spawn preset into one plugin (by BAILOPAN's decision)
In the part of spawn_editor these changes has been done in some previous beta I posted before:
+Added support for team specyfic spawn points
+Fixed BUG with deleting and editing the latest spawn (when there was only 1 spawn point remaining there was no way to delete/edit it)
+Fixed bug with displaying the closest spawn number (if the statistics says we have 1 spawn point - the closest one should have the number 1 instead 0 - it's for users - not for programmers)
+Changed - the config is read also if CSDM is disabled
+Changed - Removing buyzones, bombsites, hostage/vip rescue points is possible also during the game - I mean if someone started the game with CSDM disabled, but then he enabled CSDM from the main CSDM menu (only hostages aren't removed - probably for that we need to hide them in the future release like it was in old CSDM 1.70.3xx)
+On maps where there is no buyzone entities - the buy icon is hidden if MAPSTRIP_BUY flag is active (that icon was still active in spawn points areas - it was annoying)
+(2.1d) Added some items from the csdm.cfg for the part [misc] to the settings csdm menu.
+Added the item editor !!! (I hope the menus I did they will be cool for You to easy add some items to the map  )
+If item mode is enabled Equip menu is not displayed anymore (like it was in old CSDM 1.70.3xx)
+(2.1c)Added the possibility enable/disable item mode from the CSDM Settings Menu
+(2.1c) Fixed bug with disabling spawn protection not working
+(2.1c) Added the possibility to switch on/off the spawn protection from CSDM Settings Menu.
Have fun and please test it if You can and give me the feedback.  


383.65 KB, 下载次数: 30

售价: 2 金钱  [记录]

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估计你是没见识过~` 呵呵  
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