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发表于 2012-5-21 12:20:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

In this tutorial i will show you how to make a sky texture for cs 1.6 What you need:

-Terragen Classic

-An image manipulation program I used Irfanview

First you have to download the program "Terragen". Terragen is a program that can generate realistic landscapes and can render these landcapes. There are 2 versions of it: Terragen Classic and Terragen 2.In my Tutorial i use Terragen Classic, because it's easier to use. When you want to make skys for CSS or TF2, you should use Terragen 2, but it's more difficult. We can only use the trial version of Terragen, so you can render images with max 1280 x 960. So we render with 960x960.

1.Open Terragen. There you can see 2 fields: Rendering Control and Landscape. Go to Landscape and click on "Generate Terrain", so it open a new window where you set the properties of your terrain. When you have set it click on " Generate Terrain". When you dont like the terrain try another set.

2.So you have your Terrain. Now go to Rendering Control and you see the terrain on the right side. Click with the left mouse button on the terrain to set the camera position and click with right to set the target of the camera. Than you can click on Render Preview and you see a little preview of your landscape.

3.Go back to landscape and click above on EDIT. Here you can edit the surface. First the colour. Than you can choose bumpiness.For example: A mountain landscape has a high bumpiness, but a desert a lower one. When you are ready, close it. Than you can click on Add Child. Now you have another surface. For example Rocks in a forest or in a destert. So you can add more child-surfaces. When you click on EDIT by the child-surfaces you can also go to Advanced Ditribution. Here you can set the max. or min. Altidude or the max. or min. Slope. Also you set there the Coverage and the fractal noise. Try it out and look often to the render preview.

4.Now go to the left and click on Cloudscape. Here you can choose the properties of your clouds. First you should set the clouds from 2D to 3D. Than you can edit the cloud colour. For example: Clouds are a little bit yellow before a storm. You can click on Generate Clouds to generate new clouds. Here you can choose some sets... try it out. Below you can see the density contrast and the density shift set. Density Contrast sets the Contrast of the clouds and the density shift sets the density of the clouds and how many clouds there are. when you change it click Update view to see the modification. When you are ready close the window and click on render preview to see changes.

5.Now open on the left the Lighting Conditions. Here you can set the lighting of the terrain. At first you should make a tick on "Clouds cast shadows". Above you can set the Sun angle and the direction of the sun. Below you can set the colour of the sun by clicking on Base Sun Colour. You can also set the size of the sun by clicking on Sun's Appearance and then set a value in Disc Diameter.

6.Now we are nearly ready to render. Go to Rendering Control and find a good camera position to render. Make sure that all 3 fields of Camera Orientation are set to 0, it's important! Now go to Camera Settings and make also sure that the Zoom/Magnification is set to 1, so you looking in a 90 degree sphere. Now go to Render Settings. Here you can set the Quality of your sky. Higher the set is, longer are the render times. I set the highest adjust. Then above on Options you can set the Gamma Correction, but its not important. Than go to image and set 960 x 960. Than you can go to Advanced and set the max size of render buffers( It's not the speed of the Render) It should no more than your ram memory!

7.At Least set the Detail to the highest position. To render the first image click on Render Image. This Process can take 10 minutes or more. It's in dependence of you RAM-Memory and your graphic card. You should do nothing with your pc while the rendering process.

When the rendering is complete save the image(look above how to name it) and then set by Camera Orientation the pitch to 90 and render the second one. than set the pitch to -90 and render, than set the pitch to 0. and the head to 90, than to 180 and than to 270 and dont forget to save the images Save the images with this name:

1.ft.bmp (Head 0/ Pitch 0) 2.up.bmp (Head 0/ Pitch 90) 3.dn.bmp (Head 0/ Pitch -90) 4.lf.bmp (Head 90/ Pitch 0) 5.bk.bmp (Head 180/Pitch 0) 6.rt.bmp (Head 270/Pitch 0)

Only important is the ending like "ft" or "lf", because it's describes on which side the sky is.

When you are ready with this, close Terragen and open Irfanview (or Photoshop). Load the first image and go to ->Image->Resize/Resample. Set to the new size 256 x 256. We must do this, because cs 1.6 or half life can only use 256 x 256 skys. Make sure that "Apply sharpen after Resample" and "Resample" has a tick and click on O.K.. Than save the image to the original direction and a second time in the TGA. Now do this with all images. In the end you should have 12 images: 6 bmp and 6 tga with the names from above.

9.At last put the 12 images in your cstrike/gfx/env folder and select your sky in the Valve Hammer Editor for your map.

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