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发表于 2015-1-9 00:45:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

插件來源:http://forums.alliedmods.net/sho ... mp;highlight=cfjail



This is a complete jailbreak plugin, including:这是一个强烈的jailbreak插件,包括:

- Last request 8 games and 4 rebels——最后的请求8场和4个叛军
- Beacon on lr灯塔无关的,在
- Weapon menu for CT菜单——武器水肿
- Shop-商店
- Days menu-天菜单
- much more——更


- jb_points_kill How many points a T gets for killing a ct多少分,jb_points_kill得到一个T因杀害ct
- jb_shop_gunprice How many points a gun gamble costs多少分,jb_shop_gunprice枪赌博成本
- jb_shop_pillsprice How many points Pills cost多少分,jb_shop_pillsprice药成本
- jb_shop_armorprice How many points armor costs多少分,jb_shop_armorprice装甲成本
- jb_shop_camoprice How many points camo costs多少分,jb_shop_camoprice camo成本
- jb_show_players SHows a hud with players left on top of screen——jb_show_players显示界面球员离开最重要的屏幕上
- jb_days Shows the days HUDjb_days的日子,显示界面中的文字
- jb_shop Opens the shop——jb_shop开的商店
- jb_points_headshot How many points T's get for killing a ct with a headshot多少分,jb_points_headshot给我杀ct与头部特写好看多了
- jb_shop_nadepack_price How many points the nade pack costs多少分,jb_shop_nadepack_price造成的包装费用
- jb_showrebels Show rebels when they kill someone or notjb_showrebels显示时,叛军杀一个人
- jb_blocktvoice Blocks Terrorist from voice chatjb_blocktvoice块,恐怖分子从语音聊天
- jb_enable_days Enables the days menu——jb_enable_days使天菜单
- jb_teleport Enables/ disables the teleports on LR——jb_teleport使/使传送在LR


1.0: Initial Release最初的发布1.0:
1.1: Fixed lr bug11:固定lr错误
1.2: Added rebel system, fixed camo shop12:添加了叛军系统、固定camo商店
1.3: Updated rebel system, added glow and alarm13:更新的叛军系统,增添了光辉,报警
1.4: Added strip after LR win, optimalized lr14:添加了—在LR赢了,optimalized无关
1.5: Fixed rebel weapons strip.1.5:固定叛军武器的纸条。
1.6: Fixed camo model16:固定camo模型
1.7: added t voice block by Exolent[jNr]17:添加了t的声音Exolent一块[小]
1.8: Fixed sounds(ac4570), index out of bounds error18:固定的声音(ac4570)、语素出格的事情的错误
1.9: Fixed sounds for the last time19:固定听上去最后一次
2.0: Added several days, fixed gun toss2.0:添加了好几天了,固定的枪扔投
2.1: Fixed little typo in LR在210:固定的小错误无关
2.2: Fixed Daysmenu items not showing up22:固定Daysmenu也不能展示物品
2.3: Fixed crash on music day23:固定撞翻在音乐日
2.4: Added new Lr: Choose specialday next round, teleport on some1s_jailbreak, fixed gun_blocker24:添加了新的Lr:选择的日子下一轮,传送在some1s_jailbreak、固定gun_blocker
2.5: Added cvar for tele on lr2.5:添加了cvar为远程在lr
2.6: Fixed rebeling won't stop26:固定反叛不会停止
2.7: Fixed player out of range errors27:固定的球员射程之外的错误
2.8: Added Countdown, Nightcrawler day, Spartan Day, new sounds.2.8:添加了倒计时:Nightcrawler一天,斯巴达的一天,新的声音。
2.9: Fixed Deathmatch day, nightcrawler day, stopped sounds on round end29:固定的死亡nightcrawler一天一天,就停止了听起来圆形结束
3.0: Fixed Crash of shark day, added only one day/ round3.0:固定坠毁的鲨鱼一天,仅仅添加了一天/轮
3.1: Added Colorchat option3.1:添加了Colorchat选项
3.2: Fixed index out of bounds error.3.2:固定指数出格的事情的错误。


Toast: For the base of the plugin吐司:为基地的插件
Exolent[jNr]: T voice blockerExolent[小]:T的声音拦截器,
All the guys that helped me solve bugs所有的男士都帮助我解决虫子
And everyone i forgot.每个人都我忘记了。


I never though i would ever make this public, but since i'm thinking about stopping my jailbreak, due to few players, i'm releasing it.我从来没有想到我会一直作此公开信,但因为我正在考虑让我jailbreak,由于几个球员,我将其释放。

The shops points are cookies, because the clan i made this for it called Cookie Force, so it was funny to make it cookies.商店点饼干,因为家族为我做了这个叫做饼干,所以这很有趣。力量使它的饼干。

You must compile localy with the colorchat include.你必须编译的localy colorchat包括。

sound spr.rar

1.03 MB, 下载次数: 0

售价: 1 金钱  [记录]  [购买]

sma amxx.rar

58.45 KB, 下载次数: 2

售价: 2 金钱  [记录]

发表于 2015-1-9 01:08:29 | 显示全部楼层
呵呵 大家好奇嘛 来观看下~~~~  
发表于 2015-1-9 01:41:27 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-1-9 02:57:05 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-1-9 03:20:11 | 显示全部楼层
长时间没来看了 ~~  
发表于 2015-1-9 05:08:32 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-1-9 06:54:54 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-1-9 07:40:32 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-1-14 19:00:04 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-2-18 05:10:40 | 显示全部楼层
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