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发表于 2014-1-18 00:54:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
;Note! All cvars exept "frc_flasher_mistake_allow" and "frc_color_mode" work ;on this system: When = 0 they disable the feature that coresponds to them, ;if not = 0 then the feature works!
;Note! tfc_ppl_mistake_allow must be pozitive (>0) becouse if tfc_punish in ;this case is not equal with 0 the plugin will punish everyone.

//the sound that is sent to the flasher(闪到队友投掷闪光弹的人会有声音提示)
frc_sound (default 1)

//the admin message(管理信息)
frc_adminchat (default 1)

//block the moment when you flash your teammates(对队友使用闪光弹会瞬间闪白屏幕)
frc_block_team_flash (default 0)

//block the moment when you flash yourself(对自己使用闪光弹会瞬间闪白屏幕)
frc_block_self_flash (default 0)

//special flash block the explanation is under the cvars(在cvars调节下特殊的闪光弹会锁住投掷者)
frc_block_special_flash (default 0)

//punish the player that flashed too much(对捣乱投掷闪光弹的玩家进行惩罚)
frc_flasher_punish (default 1)

//set to 0 count only the full teamflashes, 1 count all the teamflashes(设置为0的时候只有队友可以闪光,1的时候所有的人都会闪)
frc_flasher_counter (default 1)

//the times that a player is allowed to flash his teammates before being punished(对队友进行闪光弹投掷进行惩罚-就是你对自己人乱闪多少次,默认10次)
frc_flasher_mistake_allow (default 10)

//warn the player(警告玩家)
frc_flasher_warn (default 0)

//punish mode: 0 -> until map end, 1 -> number of rounds 2 -> by time(惩罚模式:0->直到地图结束,1->2个回合,2->时间)
frc_flasher_punish_mode (default 2)

//punish type: 0 -> block throw, 1 -> kill when he teamflashes, 2 -> flash himself when he teamflashes(惩罚类型:0->不再可投掷闪光弹,1->队里有人闪的时候杀死他,2->闪队友的时候闪到自己)
frc_flasher_punish_type (default 0)

//punish mode control controls how many rounds/minutes the player will have problems (doesn't work with punish mode 0)(惩罚模式控制,控制多少回合/时间玩家会出问题(模式0的时候无效)
frc_flasher_punish_control (default 2)

//bug fix control toggle(控制连接漏洞修复)
frc_bug_fix (default 1)

//0-off, 1-specified color, 2-random color chose(for all players), 3-random color for every player(0关闭,1特殊颜色,2随机颜色可选择(所有人),3随机颜色不可选择(到每个玩家))
frc_color_mode (default 2)

//the red color cvar(红色cvar)
frc_red_color (default 100)

//the green color cvar(绿色cvar)
frc_green_color (default 100)

//the blue color cvar(蓝色cvar)
frc_blue_color (default 255)

//dynamic light(动态灯光)
frc_dynamic_light (default 1)


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售价: 2 金钱  [记录]

发表于 2014-1-19 20:57:13 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-1-20 04:59:33 | 显示全部楼层
女人啊真是那句话~~~无理占三分~~忘记怎么说了 呵呵 ~~你帮我想想  
发表于 2014-1-20 14:45:12 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2014-1-21 06:11:11 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2014-1-27 13:51:39 | 显示全部楼层
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