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[ZP] Addon: Counter-Strike like Buymenu for Zombie Plagie!

发表于 2013-3-6 03:46:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
This plugin is for Zombie Plague Mod, so there is no difference between T's and CT's buymenu + free buyzone.
Also, sorry for bad english.

Plugin Status: release!
Current version: 1.7

Last updated: 22.12.2010 (22nd December 2010)

This plugin replaces default Zombie Plugins weapons menu with customizable, CS-like buymenu.
You can customize it any way you want - you can sell extra-items in rifles submenu, you can sell Antidote bomb human equipment menu, you can do whatever you want! You can set price and name of item without server restart! Just restart round! It also includes some gameplay features, like no death penalty (no death score) for zombies when they die, kill assist for both humans and zombies (infection assist included!) and rounded frags/money bonuses/penalties. You can disable any of this though.

So, what you will get by installing this plugin?

1) Completely customizable buymenu!

2) You'll earn cash by shooting zombie, and cash rate is either customizable!

3) Adding new extra item never was so easy! Simply add extra item name in "todo" param!
zp_cs_buymenu_equiph07_name "Trip Mine"
zp_cs_buymenu_equiph07_cost 6000
zp_cs_buymenu_equiph07_todo "Trip Mine"

By doing so you'll add item named "Trip mine" into equipment menu, when you buy it, you'll get extra item stored in zp_extra_lasermine.amxx - a laser mine!
don't forget to add zp_extra_lasermine.amxx in your plugins-zplague.ini!

4) mp_buytime affects weapon price! You can set multipers for any weapons!
For example, my rifle multiplers is 3, so in the beginning of round you can see this
but later - this

5) Tired of zombs cowardly camping like chiсkenpussies all the round long?
Do you ever thought WHY they are doing this? Well, here is the answer:
a) they will ruin their stats because of dying.
b) when round ends, nothing happens anyway. so blaaah...let's just camp and wait till humans will come out of their hideout, right, my rotten fella?
But this plugin solves both of this problems!
When round ends, if it's a "Draw" roundend, zombie will get some frags/deaths penalty and humans will get some bonus frags! And, ofcourse, $$$
bonuses/penalties. And also by setting zp_cs_zombie_nodeathscore 1 you can disable death count for zombies when they are killed by humans! So there is no more reason to camp for zombs anymore: died? DON'T CARE!! But better care about round results...
It also boosts teamplay.

Just try it, you'll like it!
Please, give me your feedback!

Don't forget to edit
zp_buy_custom 0zp_remove_money 0zp_extra_items 0
in your zombieplague.cfg!

  • General
    • zp_cs_human_income_cash_rate 2.0 - income cash rate for humans. Income cash = dmg * income cash rate. Only affects general attacks, not kill bonus.
    • zp_cs_zombie_income_cash_rate 5.0 - same as above for zombies. Only affects general attacks, not infection bonus.
      zp_cs_nemesis_income_cash_rate 0.5 - same as above for nemesis. affects general attack and kill bonus (nemesis kill bonus = infection bonus * nemesis income cash rate)
      zp_cs_survivor_income_cash_rate 0.2 - same as above for survivor. affects general attack and kill bonus (survivor kill bonus = human kill bonus * survivor income cash rate)
    • zp_cs_moneymax 150000 - self explanatory.
    • zp_cs_money_killbonus 500 - kill bonus for humans/survivor.
    • zp_cs_infectmoneybonus 1500 - infect and kill bonus for zombies/nemesis.
    • zp_cs_deathmoneybonus - money bonus for zombies for diyng. You can set it to 0, but it's strongly recommend to leave about 50% more then humans kill bonus.
    • zp_cs_zombie_nodeathscore 1 - if 1 then when zombies dies, it doesn't receieve death score. So zombie can die without any worries about their stats. If 0 then everything like usual.
    • zp_cs_survivor_canbuy 0 - enables/disables buymenu for survivor.
    • zp_cs_nemesis_canbuy 0 - enables/disables buymenu for nemesis.
    • zp_cs_killassist_enabled - enables kill assist and infection assist.
    • zp_cs_killassist_mindamage_h - minimal damage human has to deal to the zombie to be a killer assistant.
    • zp_cs_killassist_mindamage_z - minamal damage zombie has to deal to the human to be an infection/killer assistant.
  • End round bonuses/penalties
    • zp_cs_money_human_win 3500 - money bonus for humans, if round ended with all zombies being killed.
    • zp_cs_money_human_lose 1000 - money bonus for humans, if round ended with all humans being killed/infected by zombies.
    • zp_cs_money_human_draw 7000 - money bonus for humans, if round ended due round mp_roundtime timeout. So-called "Surviving" or "Draw" round end.
    • zp_cs_money_zombie_win 2500 - money bonus for zombies, if round ended with all humans being killed/infected by zombies.
    • zp_cs_money_zombie_lose 1500 - money bonus for zombies, if round ended with all zombies being killed.
    • zp_cs_money_zombie_draw -1500 - money bonus for zombies, if round ended due round mp_roundtime timeout. So-called "Surviving" or "Draw" round end.
    • zp_cs_drawround_frag_h 5 - bonus frags for humans on "Draw" round end.
    • zp_cs_drawround_frag_z -3 - bonus frags for zombies on "Draw" round end.
    • zp_cs_drawround_death_h 0 - death score penalty for humans on "Draw" round end.
    • zp_cs_drawround_death_z 5 - death score penalty for zombies on "Draw" round end.
  • Mutliples for item prices afrer buytime is over
    • zp_cs_buytime_pistol_mult 3 - do you really need any comments here?
    • zp_cs_buytime_shotgun_mult 3
    • zp_cs_buytime_smgun_mult 3
    • zp_cs_buytime_rifle_mult 3
    • zp_cs_buytime_biggun_mult 1
    • zp_cs_buytime_gren_mult 10
    • zp_cs_buytime_ammo_mult 10


Main buymenu has 7 submenus:
  • Pistols
  • Shotguns
  • Sub-Machine guns
  • Rifles
  • Heavy Weapons
  • Human Equipment
  • Zombie Equipment

Each of this Submenus generated with zp_cs_buymenu.cfg:


zp_cs_buymenu_pistol01_name "9X19mm Sidearm"
zp_cs_buymenu_pistol01_cost 400
zp_cs_buymenu_pistol01_todo zp_cs_buy_glock18
zp_cs_buymenu_pistol02_name "K&M .45 Tactical"
zp_cs_buymenu_pistol02_cost 500
zp_cs_buymenu_pistol02_todo zp_cs_buy_usp
zp_cs_buymenu_pistol03_name "228 Compact"
zp_cs_buymenu_pistol03_cost 600
zp_cs_buymenu_pistol03_todo zp_cs_buy_p228
zp_cs_buymenu_pistol04_name "Night Hawk .50C"
zp_cs_buymenu_pistol04_cost 650
zp_cs_buymenu_pistol04_todo zp_cs_buy_deagle
zp_cs_buymenu_pistol05_name ".40 Dual Elites"
zp_cs_buymenu_pistol05_cost 800
zp_cs_buymenu_pistol05_todo zp_cs_buy_elite
zp_cs_buymenu_pistol06_name "ES Five-Seven"
zp_cs_buymenu_pistol06_cost 750
zp_cs_buymenu_pistol06_todo zp_cs_buy_fiveseven

zp_cs_buymenu_shotgun01_name "Leone 12 Gauge Super"
zp_cs_buymenu_shotgun01_cost 1700
zp_cs_buymenu_shotgun01_todo zp_cs_buy_m3
zp_cs_buymenu_shotgun02_name "Leone YG1265 Auto Shotgun"
zp_cs_buymenu_shotgun02_cost 3000
zp_cs_buymenu_shotgun02_todo zp_cs_buy_xm1014

So, <submenu> strings are:
  • pistol
  • shotgun
  • smgun
  • rifle
  • biggun
  • equiph
  • equipz
<number> is a # of item. Can be set to 01-99.
<param> strings are:
  • name
  • cost
  • todo
Name is item name that will appear in buy menu.
Cost is item price in $$$
todo is a function name to execute, if item was successfully bought.

If you want to add an extra-item to buymenu, open your zp_extraitems.ini and copy extra-item name that in square breaks [ ] and then paste it in todo in zp_cs_buymenu.cfg!
zp_cs_buymenu_equiph07_name "/yThe Radar Scanner" //name that will appear in the zp-cs-buymenuzp_cs_buymenu_equiph07_cost 10000 //$$$, you know what to do.zp_cs_buymenu_equiph07_todo "Radar Scanner" //Extra item "system name",  check it up in your zp_extraitems.ini, the "todo" must be the same as extra-item's name in  zp_extraitems.ini.
There is a build-in function for standart CS Primary weapon, Secondary weapon and gren buying - it start with "zp_cs_buy" and then a name of a weapon follows. Weapon names can be found here:http://wiki.amxmodx.org/CS_Weapons_Information
Simply replace weapon_ with zp_cs_buy_
example: weapon_g3sg1 -> zp_cs_buy_g3sg1, so, to buy g3sg1 you must addQuote:
zp_cs_buymenu_biggun03_name "g3sg1 autosniper"
zp_cs_buymenu_biggun03_cost 12000
zp_cs_buymenu_biggun03_todo zp_cs_buy_g3sg1

Items added in order.
for example, you add:
zp_cs_buymenu_pistol07_name "Solar Scorcher"
zp_cs_buymenu_pistol48_name "Revolver"
zp_cs_buymenu_pistol31_name "Antidote gun"

Y'll see:
1. Glock                                       2. USP                                          <...>                                          6. Dual Elites                                 7. Solar Scorcher  (because it's order number is 07)                            8. Antidote gun    (number is 31)                           9. Revolver        (number 48)
Hardcoded functions:
  • zp_cs_buy_<weapon name> - where <weapon_name> is one of following: http://wiki.amxmodx.org/CS_Weapons_Information - actually buys an item from the link above. Can work with undocumented items, but not recommended.
  • zp_cs_HEVsuit - sets player's armor to 100, if its below 90.
  • zp_cs_moarHEVsuit - gives player 100 additional armor, no restrictions.
  • zp_cs_nightvision - buys a nightvision via main ZP plugin, ammo packs ignored.
  • zp_cs_antidote - buys a t-virus antidote via main ZP plugin, ammo packs ignored.
  • zp_cs_zombie_madness - buys a zombie madness via main ZP plugin, ammo packs ignored.
  • If command is nothing of above, it considered as an extra item name and ZP_CS_Buymenu plugin will attemp to purchase this extra-item via main ZP plugin, using it's name to find it's ID - so be carefull, item name must be exactly same as in ZP main plugin extra items list - type exactly "Radar Scanner", neither "radar scanner" nor "RaradScanner" will work.
An external tool (.exe file) for easy editing zp_cs_buymenu.cfg will be uploaded soon!


9.43 KB, 下载次数: 7

售价: 1 金钱  [记录]

发表于 2013-3-6 10:45:16 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-3-6 13:17:55 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-3-8 05:07:37 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-3-9 02:35:11 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-3-9 11:31:43 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-3-9 21:17:15 | 显示全部楼层
哈哈,有意思~顶顶 ,继续顶顶。继续顶哦  
发表于 2013-3-11 16:54:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-3-11 23:40:53 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-3-12 05:23:53 | 显示全部楼层
真是汗啊  我的家财好少啊  加油  
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